DEADLINE EXTENDED: April 4, 2025 at 11:59pm
Graduation Award Criteria
Please read carefully: The following information reflects the conditions necessary to qualify for an EMAAN Junior High School Graduation Award.
- Students successfully finishing Grade 9 in 2025 will be presented with a graduation award.
- Junior High students must report marks for CORE subjects that include Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies. The marks for each of these 4 subjects must be included in the application.
- Submitted marks should be reported from the second term report card.
- PLEASE NOTE: We understand that by the application deadline, students will not have final report cards and grades. We will accept progress reports that show the most recent grade that students have in each class. These can be in the form of screenshots from your school’s online grading system. Please make sure the student’s name is clearly visible in the screenshots.
Graduation Award Criteria
Please read carefully, as your application will not be accepted if these conditions are not met: The following information reflects the conditions necessary to qualify for an EMAAN Senior High School Graduation Award.
- Students successfully finishing Grade 12 in 2025 will be presented with a graduation award.
- You must submit a transcript showing at least FIVE of the courses from the Rutherford Course Requirement section (see below). If you do not have at least five courses that follow the criteria below, you will not be eligible for Merit Awards or the Scholarship.
- PLEASE NOTE: We understand that by the application deadline, students will not have final report cards and grades. We will accept progress reports that show the most recent grade that students have in each class. These can be in the form of screenshots from your school’s online grading system. Please make sure the student’s name is clearly visible in the screenshots.
- You will be able to submit multiple documents in the application.
Merit Award Criteria
The following information reflects the conditions necessary to qualify for EMAAN’s Merit Awards. You do not need to submit a separate application in order to qualify for these awards. The judges will use the transcript of grades that you provide in your application to make a decision:
- Average mark of 85% and over in required subjects (refer to the eligibility criteria).
Top Academic Student Award
- Awarded to one student at the senior high level.
- Awarded to a student who obtained the highest average in required subjects (refer to the eligibility criteria) during the current academic year.
- The Top Academic Student recipient for Grade 12 will receive a $1000 scholarship upon proof of enrollment in a full-time program at a Post-Secondary institution.
Rutherford Course Requirements for Senior High (Grade 12)
One of:
- English 30-1, 30-2
- Français 30-1 or 30-2
At least two of:
- Mathematics 30-1, 30-2 or 31
- Science 30
- Social Studies 30-1 or 30-2
- Biology 30
- Chemistry 30
- Physics 30
- A language is other than the one used above at the Grade 12 level.
Any two courses with a minimum five credit value at Grade 12 level (3000, 6000 or 9000 series) including those listed above and combined advanced CTS course.
General Criteria
- All students must provide their most recent transcript including course numbers, names and marks. Unofficial transcripts are sufficient.
Special Recognition Awards Criteria
- Submitting an application for a Special Recognition Award does not guarantee that you will receive it. The judges will assess all of the applications and each of the awards below will be awarded to three students, one Post Secondary student, one Senior High school student and one Junior High school student. We will inform you of the judges’ decisions before the event.
- This is a separate application to the Graduation Award Application. If you are graduating, please make sure you also submit a Graduation Award Application.
- In exceptional circumstances, we will present non-graduates with awards as well.
Community Service and Youth Leadership Award
Judging criteria shall be based on:
- Number and type of activity involvement
- Level of involvement and impact of involvement
- Team leadership and service to community
Part 1: Portfolio
Describe the initiative, achievement and excellence of your involvement in the community.
Part 2: Recognition Received
List all voluntary or extra-curricular activities (community, school, organizations, etc) that you have been involved with in the past year.
Athlete of the Year Award
Judging criteria shall be based on:
- Participation and level of involvement
- Achievement and recognition
- Leadership
Part 1: Portfolio
List all sports activities, both individual and team sports that you are involved in currently. Attach copies of certificates, letters, etc.
Part 2: Recognition Received
List any extra curricular sports activities that you have organized or led in the past two years. Attach all available supporting documents and references.
Quranic Memorization Award
Judging criteria shall be based on:
- Quantity and quality of the memorized portions
Part 1: Portfolio
List all parts of the Qur’an that you memorized and any contests you participated in within the last two years.
Part 2: Recognition Received
List awards and any other recognition that you have received in the last two years. Provide all available supporting documents.
Arts Award
Judging criteria shall be based on:
- Innovativeness and creativity
- Artistic talents
- Value or benefit to society
- Supporting data, letters, evaluations and/or awards
Part 1: Portfolio
List all projects and extra curricular activities that you have participated in within the last two years. For example, art contests, drama activities, etc. Provide all available supporting documents.
Part 2: Recognition Received
List all art projects and pieces that have been displayed or recognized or have received an award in the last two years. Provide all available supporting documents including evaluations, letters and awards.
Literature/Journalism Award
Students must include a portfolio containing any supporting data, letters, evaluations and/or awards of their work.
Judging criteria shall be based on:
- Innovativeness and creativity
- Value or benefit to society
- Published piece with supporting letters, evaluations, and/or awards
Part 1: Portfolio
List all published and unpublished pieces of your literary and journalistic writings in the last two years. Attach all available supporting documents including evaluations, letters and awards.
Part 2: Recognition Received
List awards, scholarships, bursaries or other recognitions that you have received in the field of literature/journalism in the last two years. For example, trophies, certificates, medals, cash, etc. Provide all available supporting documents.
Science Award*
Judging criteria shall be based on:
- Innovativeness
- Efficient and effective methods
- Value of benefit to society
- Supporting data, letters, evaluations and/or awards
Part 1: Portfolio
List all projects and extra curricular activities that you have participated in within the last two years. For example: math contests, science fairs, ets. Attach all available supporting documents.
Part 2: Recognition Received
List awards, scholarships, bursaries (with the value) or other recognitions that you have received in the field of science in the last two years. For example, trophies, certificates, medals, cash, etc. Provide all available supporting documents.
* Science Award: Additional Criteria for Masters and PhD graduates
- Transcripts from the University
- One Academic reference
- List of publications and conferences (refer to list below)
-Journal (Masters requires one, PhD requires two)
-Conference Proceedings (Masters requires one, PhD requires two)
-Conference Presentation (Masters requires one, PhD requires two)
-Book Chapter (optional for both Masters and PhD)
Perseverance Award Criteria
- Outstanding performance while overcoming long term adversity
- Achieved a major objective or milestone despite a unique or special condition/situation
- Inspire others to reach their goals